Students in this course receive educational materials, assignments, methodological sheets, instructions for continuous theoretical study and a sophisticated system of assignments.

Because students do not attend classes physically, communication takes place by email, telephone, via Whatsapp or ZOOM, in our Online Study Center. Students continuously follow instructions and homework and, of course, have the opportunity to consult the curriculum on an ongoing basis.

The study can be completed 100% online (ie remotely, you do not have to sit at a given hour at the PC, you study according to your time possibilities). The study is completed with a Life style coach Certificate or a Coach Retraining Certificate.

In all courses we use our own educational materials, the author of which is Ing. Radka Burdychová, PhD., MBA. Each Lifestyle student program coach will receive all information about the Nutrirestart® program and method.

Video tutorials

We supplement written teaching texts with a sophisticated system of videos for deepening knowledge in partial parts of teaching.


Custom scripts. Original study texts by Ing. Radka Burdychová, Ph.D., MBA, company director.


During the course, we add additional videos with feedback on individual cases of the study group.


If necessary, we are available Every weekday from 9 am to 12 noon, at other times by appointment (possibly on weekends)

Course syllabus Life style coach 100% ON-LINE

In the accordion below you can find course syllabus


Basics of coaching in Life style – coach’s personality, structure of coaching interview, essence of
coaching, questions for coaching, setting goals in a healthy lifestyle (life style), client motivation, GROW
method, Life style round, input questionnaire and his lifestyle improvements, work with body and space,
mental blocks and thought patterns.
Deacidification of the organism, detoxification and alkaline regeneration.
NutriRestart® – Nutrirestart tools, services and products – ISO certification: 9001.
Coaching in support of detoxification and deacidification, work with the psyche. Mental deacidification,
getting rid of emotional waste. Working with negative emotions, self-acceptance. Self-learning. Coach’s
work with nutritional and physical recommendations, building self-confidence, assertiveness, client care.
Coaching session training.
metabolic types
Psychological typology of clients, menus, exercise plans and work with people according to their
psychological type, psychological types of counselors and coaches and how to use your strengths and
weaknesses in practice
Sports nutrition – Fitness menus and deacidification in sports, healthy sports.
We have been providing consulting and coaching for over 20 years. We have completed training in the
USA, Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland, and we have created an original educational program
that works. You will try everything practically immediately and get feedback. You will unblock your
fears and make a personal and professional RESTART in your life. Our experience with food and
nutrition comes from our more than 30 years of laboratory experience in a state and our own private

Beginning of the course

Beginning of the course: October 1, 2021, ended with an exam with a certificate in the terms listed above. Course price £590.

The recommended study period is 6 months. However, the study period can be longer, everything is by appointment. You can "jump in" at your own request during the year, just write us.

Contact the NUTRITION ACADEMY and sign up for the Lifestyle Coach online course for a price of £590

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Nutriční akademie, s.r.o.

Headquarters: U Krčské vodárny 949/49, 140 00 Praha 4 - Krč, Czech Republic

IČ: 292 944 28